“Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond, and we cease to be alone.” —Wendell Berry
Shasta College’s Global Education Center coordinates the Global Expedition Program – an amazing summer program where local students take Shasta College coursework while assisting with biological and ecological studies in international settings. In partnership with Operation Wallacea, a research-based conservation organization that works to preserve biodiverse regions of the Earth with teams of student volunteers working alongside academic researchers, the Global Expedition Program provides a unique experience for North State high school and college students.
The program provides transferable, college-level courses that incorporate science and service learning while providing opportunities that are rich learning experiences and establish greater global awareness. The Global Expedition Program has led expeditions in Honduras, Indonesia, South Africa, Guyana, Fiji, and Mexico.
Since the program’s inception, The McConnell Foundation has partnered with the Shasta College Foundation to offer scholarships for students to participate in the expeditions. Some scholarships are prioritized for students that have participated in The McConnell Foundation’s NatureBridge in Yosemite program. For more information about Shasta College’s Global Expedition Program, including scholarship opportunities, visit www.shastacollege.edu/GlobalEd. For more information on Operation Wallacea, visit https://opwall.com/.
Allison McKinney, a student on the 2017 South Africa expedition, created and produced this video of her experience. https://vimeo.com/232526590