“In the earlier times of my village we had good fortune and there was nothing to cause us fear or danger in the lives of the Laotian rice farmer in our region like in other regions the same. But [...]
I was seven years old when my parents visited their homeland, Laos. They came back with videos and pictures of my relatives. It made sad that I missed an opportunity to travel with my parents to [...]
Never would I have thought that being in a five-week program studying abroad in Laos would I learn so much about who I am and where my family comes from. Before going to Laos, I didn’t know much [...]
Everyone has their own experiences in life. No matter how big or small those experiences are, it will give you a new perspective and change the way you feel or think about things. I was given the [...]
Did you know that UC Berkeley has more 4.0 students applying than they have spaces for? That’s right: the average student at UCB had a 4.0 grade point average in […]
Passing classes and getting good grades are important, but grades by themselves are only one indicator of how well you’re doing college. How do you know if you’re having a […]
Reflections from a seasoned peacebuilder on a decade engagement with nonviolent social change in Nepal as the country navigated war and peace. Lederach, well known for his practical and [...]
In June of 2015, we visited a village in Laos situated not far below the huge Nam Theun 2 Hydropower project on the Xe Bangfai River. Many of the communities downstream from the dam, built in [...]